- The safest and most successful procedure performed today.
- Typically an outpatient procedure, only a few hours are required from the patient's time.
- Patients in general go back to their everyday lives quickly.
Cataract Surgery: The procedure
- The patient will feel minimal or no discomfort.
- First, a small incision will be made in the eye, which will allow the surgeon to use a small instrument (the size of the nib of a pen) to break down or wash away the blurry cataract.
- As soon as the cataract is removed, an intraocular lens will be inserted though the same incision and will be secured in its permanent position.
Cataract surgery – What to expect?
- After the procedure, you will rest for a short amount of time before returning home.
- You will need eye drops, given with prescription, to protect your eye from a potential infection and to help with the healing of your eye. For a few days, you might need a protective patch, so as to avoid rubbing your eye.
- Typically, the doctor will examine the eye within 24 hours.
- The patient should know that he will start experiencing a new visual system. During the first postoperative stages, his brain will learn to use the new way of processing visual information.
Cataract Treatment Options
Ophthalmological Research Center
64, Vass. Sofias Av.6th floor
Phone number: 210 7295000
Fax: 210 3622245