contracts Ophthalmological surgical Diabetes ΠΟΛΥΕΣΤΙΑΚΟΙ περιφερική degeneration αποκόλληση αφιβληστριδούς Macula contact lens Glaucoma Linking confrontation vision lasik diagnosis Laesr ocular macula Secondlaser diabetic degeneration myopia (nearsightedness) high myopia Retinopathy Arterial Hypertension
High definition corneal imaging and optical scanning system Oculyzer-Topolyzer. It provides optimum imaging of the cornea in refractive surgery and in corneal disorders, as well as the Wavefront Topoguider system, with the highest possible resolution of 25,000 points and operational connection with the topography and the Excimer Laser.
Ophthalmological Research Center
64, Vass. Sofias Av.6th floor
Phone number: 210 7295000
Fax: 210 3622245