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This method is effective and painless. It is used to correct medium to high degrees of myopia and astigmatism, while it is the only method to correct hyperopia.
The advantages of this method are many, because treatment occurs on the corneal layer after creating a protective tissue (flap). There are two ways to create the flap.
Femto-Lasik με Femtosecond laser
Postoperative medication lasts only ten days, while the vision is fairly good from the very first day. The degree of correction is calculated by specialized software.
There is conventional LASIK, where the flap is created with a mechanical microkeratome and FEMTO-LASIK, where it is created with a femtosecond laser. With the new Femtosecond laser technology, the surgeon is able to exclusively use laser during all the stages of the surgery, even the first stage, so that the LASIK procedure can be completed without the need to apply a “scalpel” in any of the stages. Its name is derived from the number of pulses per second in which this particular laser operates.
In particular, microscopical, rapid laser pulses are used, which operate in the infrared zone of the light spectrum and, in combination with the extremely short time of activity and the slight amount of energy, they achieve photodisruption of the tissue on which they fall (in our case, the cornea). Photodisruption is visible in the form of a bubble, which, in the end, is the force with which the femtosecond laser cuts the tissues. Subsequently, the doctor creates the flap by lifting the tissue of the cornea towards the back, at the point where the bubbles have been formed due to the light pulses. The creation of the flap lasts merely 15 seconds. That is the time when the surgeon can move on to the second stage of the procedure, that is the full correction of the refraction and the restoration of vision.
Femtosecond laser lasik, virtual laser procedure (youtube)
Femtosecond laser and cataract procedure
Ophthalmological Research Center
64, Vass. Sofias Av.6th floor
Phone number: 210 7295000
Fax: 210 3622245