Detachment contracts therapy Glaucoma cataract come αποκόλληση αφιβληστριδούς refractive diabetic options ophthalmological ΜΟΝΟΕΣΤΙΑΚΟΙ Retinopathy tonometry Arterial Hypertension therapeutic photopsia Retina complications vitrectomy macula Causative Factors Diabetes Mellitus Form Intracorneal rings
Normal Vision Myopic Vision
Distant vision is affected when the axial length of the eye is big in comparison to the curvature and the refractive strength of the cornea. Light rays that enter the eye focus in front of the retina, which results in a blurry visual image, when the myopic person focuses on relatively distant objects. On the contrary, close objects, as a rule, remain clear.
Learn more about myopia and vision restoration with myopia laser.
Ophthalmological Research Center
64, Vass. Sofias Av.6th floor
Phone number: 210 7295000
Fax: 210 3622245